Database presentation at ‘Poena aut venia? Attitudes to Emigration in Rome, Byzantium and Beyond’, part I

I’ve recently returned from a fantastic workshop at the American Academy in Rome, organised by Ekaterina Nechaeva. Ekaterina, a EURIAS fellow at the Collegium Helveticum, works on a decidedly understudied topic, refugees from the late Roman empire. The workshop in Rome looked at emigration in a wider sense, for Ekaterina had managed to assemble a […]

Conference report ‘Forced Movement in Late Antiquity’

Our final major project conference ‘Forced Movement in Late Antiquity’ was held at the German Historical Institute in London from 6 to 8 April 2017. The aims and objectives of this conference were to explore cultural, social and religious transformations as a direct result of mobility within the Mediterranean world of Late Antiquity and beyond. […]

Constantine and the Cross

Did the apostles Peter and Paul actually know each other? Among many others, this was one of the questions by our very clever audience at our last film showing, Quo Vadis, and it’s a good one: we simply don’t know! Some sources (the Acts of the Apostles and Paul’s Letter to the Galatians) allude to […]

Forced Movement in Late Antiquity — Programme

German Historical Institute London (GHIL) Thursday, 6 April 9.45-10.15 Registration and Coffee 10.15-11.00 Welcome (Julia Hillner, Sheffield) & The Migration of Faith: Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity — Database Launch (Dirk Rohmann, Sheffield) 11.o5-12.05 Moving Christian Clerics Chair: Philippe Blaudeau (Angers) Rita Lizzi Testa (Perugia), Clerical exile and imperial functionaries: Mechanism of civic exclusion in late […]

Quo Vadis

After the success of Gladiator last November, the next film we’ll be showing is the eight-times Academy Awards nominated 1951 epic Quo Vadis.   We’ll stay with our central themes of travel, mobility and forced movement in the Roman world. In Gladiator, these are issues intrinsically connected with the central character, Maximus. The film is […]

Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity & Maths Meets Myths Book Launch

  Yesterday, we launched Clerical Exile in Late Antiquity at Blackwell’s in Sheffield. We were blessed to be able to hold this as a joint event with the editors of Maths Meets Myths. Quantitative Approaches to Ancient Narratives, so it was a Social Network Analysis fest all round! Thanks to the many colleagues, friends, students […]


To give a taster of our book and film club the Film Unit at the University of Sheffield is going to show Gladiator on 23 November, in collaboration with The Migration of Faith and the Sheffield Classical Association! Gladiator masterfully illuminates the themes of centre, periphery, captivity and forced movement in the Roman empire — all themes […]

Now on: Clerical Exile Book Club!

From March 2017, The Migration of Faith sponsors a book club in Sheffield, exploring early Christianity, the world of the Church fathers, mobility and exile. We’ll be reading modern novels with a unique and inspiring take on these themes that will throw an alternative light on our research. The novels show that the issues at the heart of our […]