‘Using the Clerical Exile Database’

8 January 2016

University of Sheffield, Humanities Research Institute, Seminar Room


9.30-11 Session on Databases

Margarita Vallejo Girvès (Exile)
Stanislaw Adamiak (Presbyters)
Bryan Ward-Perkins (Cult of Saints)


11.30-12.30 Presentation of the Clerical Exile Database (Dirk Rohmann & Julia Hillner)


1.30-2.30 ‘Hands-On’ Group Session:

Exploring the Clerical Exile Database/Using the Pilot Search Interface


3-4.30 Session on Social Network Analysis

Julia Hillner (Clerical Exile)
Mairin MacCarron (Early Medieval Hagiography)
Johannes Preiser-Kapeller (Medieval Conflict)


4.30-5 Final Discussion: What next for the project?